Release Notes for Synology Surveillance Station Client

Synology Surveillance Station Client 是全新的桌面工具,让您可以简单快速地存取 Synology 产品上的 Surveillance Station。 安装此工具后,您可以享受更顺畅的实时视频浏览体验,更有效率地开启不同应用程序,且不再受到任何浏览器的限制。

Version: 2.2.0-2507



  1. 修正在监控中心同步播放超过 20 路即时影像时,可能仅有 20 路影像在第一次切换回放后可播放的问题。
  2. 修正一项安全性弱点。 (Synology-SA-24:05)

Version: 2.1.3-2474



  1. 修正在回放鱼眼影像还原的画面时,无法调整观看区域的问题。
  2. 修正其他问题。

Version: 2.1.2-2464



  1. 修正透过捷径开启监控中心时,可能无法删除版面的问题。
  2. 修正观看监控中心即时影像一段时间后,影像可能会冻结的问题。
  3. 修正其他问题。

Version: 2.1.1-2456



  1. 修正一些问题。

Version: 2.1.0-2426



  1. 新增支援智慧搜寻中 4 倍至 100倍速搜寻的选项。
  2. 新增支援可在画面显示异常时停用 GPU 渲染的选项。


  1. 修正 macOS 平台上的通知讯息可能并未正常寄送的问题。
  2. 修正在智慧搜寻中切换 CMS主伺服器和录影伺服器上的摄影机时,录影档可能无法正确显示的问题。
  3. 修正其他问题。

Version: 2.0.2-2406



  1. 由于 AXIS 已将 Barcode Reader 更新为须使用付费授权的套件,Surveillance Station 自此版本起将不再支援 AXIS Barcode Reader 作为 Transactions 应用程式的交易来源。(了解更多)


  1. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 2.0.1-2304



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 2.0.1-2304 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 9.0.0 及以上版本。


  1. 修正在 macOS 装置上可能无法使用快捷键的问题。
  2. 修正在 macOS 装置上透过 HTTPS 登入时,画面可能无法正常显示的问题。
  3. 修正在 macOS 装置上使用高解析度时,使用者介面可能模糊的问题。
  4. 修正开启监控中心时,用户端电脑可能无法进入休眠模式的问题。
  5. 修正在 macOS 装置上,视窗可能无法正常显示 / 隐藏的问题。
  6. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 2.0.0-2276



  1. Surveillance Station Client 2.0.0-2276 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 9.0.0-6856 及以上版本。
  2. 即时影像与时间线已合并为「监控中心」。既有功能、版面、设定将完整转移至新平台。 (了解更多)
  3. 日志应用程式已移除规则设定页面,改为记录所有操作。



  1. 新增支援监控中心应用程式。您可以监控即时摄影机画面,无缝调阅时间上的录影档,并自订版面显示。
  2. 新增支援通用串流配置按钮。您可以同时切换版面中所有摄影机的串流配置。
  3. 新增支援 I/O 装置频道。您可以检视 I/O 装置状态并触发事件。
  4. 新增支援于监控中心手动触发自订的行动规则事件。


  1. 升级录影机制,让各服务共用同一份录影档以最佳化录影空间。
  2. 新增支援书签日志,可管理所有已加入书签的录影档。
  3. 新增支援行动规则的新增书签事件。
  4. 新增支援双重录影功能。您可依不同设定为摄影机录制第二份录影档,并储存于本地端或远端的共用资料夹。


  1. 提升共用资料夹的安全性。 Surveillance Station 将需拥有存取权限方可连接至 Synology 伺服器上的共用资料夹。
  2. 新增支援伺服器与相容摄影机间的 HTTPS 安全连线。
  3. 新增支援伺服器与相容的 AXIS、Bosch、Hanwha 摄影机间的 SRTP 影像加密。
  4. 新增支援隐私遮罩功能,可隐藏摄影机画面中的敏感区域。
  5. 新增支援于即时摄影机画面上叠合文字浮水印。
  6. 新增支援使用者帐号登出的日志记录。
  7. 新增支援依排程启用使用者帐号的功能。
  8. 新增支援录影档加密功能,防止资料外泄。
  9. 新增支援密码保护功能,保护下载的录影档。


  1. 新增支援全新的地图应用程式。您可以一眼掌握目标环境,达成无缝的观看体验,并自动追踪多个地点的安全事件。
  2. 新增支援将相关地图组成群组来快速浏览多个位置。
  3. 新增支援 OpenStreetMap、Google 地图、自订图层伺服器等网路地图服务来快速辨识多个地点的异常状况。


  1. 强化摄影机新增流程,新增支援自动搜寻、IP 范围扫描、多种批次设定方式 (快速设定、完整设定、复制设定)。
  2. 新增支援汇入摄影机资讯与配置清单 (.xlsx) 来批次新增摄影机。
  3. 新增支援使用 ONVIF 或 Generic 方式离线架设摄影机。
  4. 将批次编辑功能改名为复制设定,并新增支援在套用设定前预览设定值及预期结果。
  5. 新增支援透过 CMS 主伺服器线上或手动更新多个伺服器。
  6. 新增支援于配对 CMS 录影伺服器时将其更新为相容版本的功能。
  7. 新增支援透过连接的伺服器线上或手动更新多个 VisualStation 装置。


  1. 新增支援于 DS cam 寄送的进阶事件通知中显示事件类型。
  2. 新增支援于网路摄影机应用程式筛选热成像摄影机。
  3. 新增支援为摄影机手动输入 NTP 伺服器 IP 位址的功能。
  4. 强化摄影机测试连线的使用者体验。
  5. 新增支援批次编辑 Archive Vault 频宽控制设定。

Version: 1.2.12-2192



  1. 此更新预计在数周内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.12-2192 仅相容于 Surveillance Station 8.2.11-7328 及以上版本。
  3. Surveillance Station 8.2.11-7328 需搭配 DSM 的 Advanced Media Extensions 才可播放 AAC 及 H.265 影音格式。若不前往该套件进行相关设定:(仅影响运行于 DSM 7.1 以上版本的 Synology 装置)
    • 原本使用 AAC 音讯格式的摄影机若支援其他音讯格式,将改用其他格式。若摄影机不支援其他格式,将无法收听音讯。
    • 原本使用 H.265 影像格式的摄影机将无法播放影像或透过 Surveillance Station 侦测动作。


  1. 修正其他问题。

Version: 1.2.12-1172



  1. 此更新预计在数周内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.12-1172 仅相容于 Surveillance Station 8.2.11-6478 及以上版本。


  1. 修正其他问题。

Version: 1.2.11-2181



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.11-2181 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 8.2.10-7310 及以上版本。


  1. 将权限设置档名称提升为64字元。


  1. 修正在 macOS 上运行 Surveillance Station Client 可能无法使用麦克风的问题。
  2. 修正在特定情况下时间线无法正常播放录影档的问题。
  3. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 1.2.11-1161



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.11-1161 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 8.2.10-6468 及以上版本。


  1. 将权限设置档名称提升为64字元。


  1. 修正在 macOS 上运行 Surveillance Station Client 可能无法使用麦克风的问题。
  2. 修正在特定情况下时间线无法正常播放录影档的问题。
  3. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 1.2.10-2174



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.10-2174 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 8.2.9-7301 及以上版本。


  1. 修正当摄影机启用根据画面大小自动调整串流配置的功能时,即时影像可能无法正常显示的问题。
  2. 修正更新至 Surveillance Station 8.2.9-7296 后,特定 Reolink 摄影机可能停止录影的问题。
  3. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 1.2.10-1148



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.10-1148 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 8.2.9-6459 及以上版本。
  3. 自 Surveillance Station Client 1.2.10-1148 起,用户应用程序将停止支持管理员为其他用户设定界面显示语言的功能。


  1. 新增支持在 Surveillance Station CMS 中兼容 DSM 6.2.4 / DSM 7.0 或以上版本(Surveillance Station 版本仍需一致)。
  2. 新增支持将动作检测作为操作规则中的事件,使第三方设备也能触发摄像机的动作检测。
  3. 增支持通过操作规则指定 VisualStation 弹出画面窗口的功能。
  4. 新增支持在实时图像的画面左上方,弹出并置顶显示最新即时警报画面窗口的功能。
  5. 将事件通知电子邮件收件人的数量上限提升至 10 位。
  6. 优化操作规则中多选摄像机的用户体验。
  7. 将摄像机名称上限提升为 64 个字符。


  1. 修正了时间线应用程序可能错误显示“录像已删除”的问题。
  2. 修正了时间线应用程序可能无法流畅播放事件录像的问题。
  3. 修正了 Axis Door Controller 的日志中心搜索日志时,可能导致 Surveillance Station Client 闪退的问题。
  4. 修正了在 MacOS 上使用硬件解码功能查看特定摄像机的录像时,可能导致 Surveillance Station Client 闪退的问题。
  5. 修正了通过时间筛选时,结果可能因系统无法计算夏令时而错误的问题。
  6. 修正了 Home Mode 编辑操作规则时,系统可能闪退的问题。
  7. 修正了即时影像在摄像机相应时间较长时,可能错误显示摄像机已掉线的问题。
  8. 修正了特定固件版本的 AXIS T8311 可能无法正常切换操纵杆模式与鼠标模式的问题。
  9. 修正了支持绝对位置的 PTZ 摄像机可能无法正常控制镜头的问题。
  10. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 1.2.10-2171



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.10-2171 仅兼容 Surveillance Station 8.2.9-7296 及以上版本。
  3. 自 Surveillance Station Client 1.2.10-2171 起,用户应用程序将停止支持管理员为其他用户设定界面显示语言的功能。


  1. 新增支持在 Surveillance Station CMS 中兼容 DSM 6.2.4 / DSM 7.0 或以上版本(Surveillance Station 版本仍需一致)。 *注意:搭载 DSM 6.2.4 的 Surveillance Station 8.2.9 预计在数周内发布。
  2. 新增支持将动作检测作为操作规则中的事件,使第三方设备也能触发摄像机的动作检测。
  3. 新增支持通过操作规则指定 VisualStation 弹出画面窗口的功能。
  4. 新增支持在实时图像的画面左上方,弹出并置顶显示最新即时警报画面窗口的功能。
  5. 将事件通知电子邮件收件人的数量上限提升至 10 位。
  6. 优化操作规则中多选摄像机的用户体验。
  7. 将摄像机名称上限提升为 64 个字符。

Version: 1.2.9-1082


Important Note

  • The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few weeks. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.
  • Surveillance Station Client 1.2.9 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.8 and above.
  • Upgraded No-Idle Zone in Deep Video Analytics to People and Vehicle Detection.
  • Starting Surveillance Station 8.2.8, if a snapshot in a notification exceeds 1080p resolution (1920x1080), it will be compressed to 1280 pixels in width without changing the aspect ratio.

New Features

  • Added support for the new application Face Recognition on DVA series models. The application leverages deep learning algorithms to deliver real-time face identification, keeps a record of all detected faces, and supports searching for recognition results with face photos.
  • Added support for People and Vehicle Detection tasks in Deep Video Analytics on DVA series models. Users can now choose to detect people or vehicles only to avoid false alarms caused by other moving objects or background events.
  • Added support for showing the occupancy number in Deep Video Analytics People Counting reports on DVA series models.
  • Added support for remotely controlling the LED flashlights of devices running Synology LiveCam from Surveillance Station. (Synology LiveCam 1.1.0 or above is required.)
  • Added support for granting non-admin users the privilege to pair Synology LiveCam with Surveillance Station. (Synology LiveCam 1.1.0 or above is required.)
  • Added support for offline license management features.
  • Added support for adding text and image watermarks when downloading recordings.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue where recordings cannot be downloaded in customized ranges in Timeline if a camera's customized file name prefix was modified.
  • Fixed the issue where the Smart Time Lapse storage cannot be edited.
  • Fixed the issue where the system might quit unexpectedly when playing streams of certain cameras if GPU acceleration is enabled.
  • Fixed the issue where certain cameras might not be able to play videos in H.265 format smoothly.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.8-0981


Important Note

  • The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few weeks. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.
  • Surveillance Station Client 1.2.8 is compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.7 and above.

New Features

  • Added support for hardware decoding of video format H.265 for smoother playback in Live View.
  • Added support for marking recordings with bookmarks and labels.
  • Added support for reverse playback of recordings.
  • Added support for event logs that record triggered events of cameras, I/O modules, and Deep Video Analytics (DVA) tasks.
  • Added support for sending notifications when an Action Rule is triggered.
  • Added support for speeding up forward/reverse video playback to 100x.
  • Added support for extending the pre/post-recording times to 300 seconds (only supported on Synology NAS/NVR models with a memory capacity of 4 GB and above).
  • Added support for recording merge-and-download.
  • Added support for the Triggered Event layout in Live View that can be switched to automatically when an event is triggered.
  • Added support for DVA Merged Counting tools.
  • Added support for the DVA Parameter Adjuster to fine-tune settings using existing recordings or detected results.
  • Added support for specifying detection targets (people or transportation) for DVA Intrusion Detection tasks.
  • Added support for showing real-time camera information when viewing camera feeds, including Codec, FPS, Bitrate, and Resolution.
  • Enhanced the process of adding and migrating licenses.
  • Enhanced the user experience of editing and triggering DVA tasks.
  • Optimized the display when multiple pop-up windows appear in Live View.
  • Enhanced the user experience of selecting multiple cameras when configuring an Action Rule.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue where certain settings of DVA No-Idle Zone tasks might not be applied properly.
  • Fixed the issue where recordings might not play properly.
  • Fixed the issue where Live View might not function properly when the Sequential Rotation layout is in use.
  • Fixed the issue where Action Rule might not play audio patterns on time.
  • Fixed the issue where files might not be downloaded successfully on Mac devices.
  • Fixed the issue where recordings might not be deleted properly.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.7-0775


Important Note

  • The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.
  • Surveillance Station Client 1.2.7-0775 is compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.6 and above.

New Features

  • Added support for Deep Video Analytics with People Counting, Deep Motion Detection, Intrusion Detection, and No-Idle Zone task with high accuracy and rapid responses, based on deep learning algorithms (only supported on DVA3219 model).
  • Added support for PIR motion sensor in Surveillance Station Motion Detection for better accuracy.
  • Added support for indoor camera exposure control.
  • Added support for license migration via Synology Account.
  • Added support for exporting logs in Excel format.
  • Added support for extending the beep time in LiveView Alert.
  • Added support for triggering and receiving IFTTT events in Action Rule.
  • Increased the time compression ratio limit of Timelapse to shorten the compression time.
  • Enhanced the login process.
  • Enhanced the compatibility of ONVIF and Generic camera setup.

New Features

  • Fixed an issue where LiveView and preview functions might not work normally on Mac devices when hardware decoding is enabled.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.6-0660


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.6-0660 is compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.4 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted Gmail notification authentication mechanism to comply with the new Gmail API.

Version: 1.2.5-0659


Compatibility and Installation

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.5-0659 is compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.4.

New Features

  1. Optimized the seek function in Timeline.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where videos might not be played normally on Mac devices when GPU decoding is enabled.
  2. Fixed an issue where H.264+ recordings might not be played normally when GPU decoding is enabled.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.4-0642


Compatibility and Installation

  1. SurveillanceStationClient 1.2.4-0642 is compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.0 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the timeline seek function might not work properly after multiple operations in the Timeline and Recording player.
  2. Fixed an issue where digital zoom might not function properly when Video scaling is set at High performance.
  3. Fixed an issue where the snapshot list might not be updated automatically.

Version: 1.2.3-0641


Compatibility and Installation

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.
  2. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.3-0641 is compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.0 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where images might be distorted when certain camera use GPU accelerated functions.
  2. Fixed an issue where the playback of H.265+ format videos on certain cameras might freeze.
  3. Fixed an issue where applications might not be launched on the correct monitor in a multi-screen setting.
  4. Fixed an issue where the system might not respond when MacOS Accessibility is enabled.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.2-0589


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.2-0589 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue regarding the compatibility of DirectX.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.1-0556


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.1-0556 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2 and above.

Compatibility and Installation

  1. Fixed an issue where the CPU usage of NAS devices might increase under certain conditions.
  2. Fixed an issue where Smart Search may not properly search for the next recording file.
  3. Fixed an issue where the playback time of Timeline might be inconsistent when the filter is set at Show Events Only.
  4. Fix an issue where recordings might not be played correctly on Timeline when there are more than 48 channels in a customized layout.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.5-0412


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.1.5-0412 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.1.2 to 8.1.6.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the CPU usage of computers might increase when the wireless network features are in use.
  2. Fixed an issue where the CPU usage of NAS devices might increase when they are restarted without Surveillance Station Client being shut down.
  3. Fixed an issue where the application might not display properly after a restart when a screen is removed from the multi-screen environment before logging out.
  4. Fixed an issue where the keyframe interval settings of cameras’ might not be edited.
  5. Fixed an issue where unexpected warning windows might appear when new licenses are added.
  6. Fix a issue where the live view of certain cameras might not display properly.

Version: 1.2.0-0553


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.2.0-0553 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2 and above.

What's New

  1. Added support for GPU decoding on Mac to enhance video playback performance. (The current version only supports GPU acceleration of live videos and previews for H.264 encoded streaming. Advanced image processing functions such as fisheye restoration and live image analysis are not yet supported. Streams that do not support GPU acceleration will still be played using the CPU.)

  2. Added support for the search function on the taskbar.

  3. Added support for downloading recordings in batch mode.

  4. Optimized the Live View Alerts Management page that provides different event types for easy management.

  5. Optimized the smoothness of UI operation and video playback.

Version: 1.1.4-0406


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.1.4-0406 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.1.2 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Updated Synology's terms and conditions for EU data privacy compliance.
  2. Fixed an issue where operating digital zoom on Live View may accidentally trigger the PTZ function.
  3. Fixed an issue where the system may not be stable if a pop-up window is opened for a period of time on the Live View Alert system.

Version: 1.1.3-0399


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.1.3-0399 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.1.2 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where camera live feeds may not be played under complicated network environment.
  2. Fixed an issue where the optimization settings of the camera may not be applied properly.
  3. Enhanced the user interface of the Transactions application.
  4. Fixed an issue where the Liveview Analytics may produce false alarm.

Version: 1.1.2-0384


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.1.2-0384 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.1.2 and above.

What's New

  1. Added support to use the GPU decoding function in the Timeline and Recording applications. For more information, please refer to this article.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where Timeline may not work properly under certain operations.
  2. Fixed an issue where the time stamp in the Log application may not display according to the time source configured by the user.

Version: 1.1.1-0325


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.1.1-0325 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.1.0 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where Live View and Timeline application desktop shortcuts on Mac may not work after upgrading to Surveillance Station Client 1.1.0-0324.

  2. Fixed an issue where CPU usage may increase abnormally when adjusting the window size of the Live View application under certain circumstances.

  3. Enhanced the live view alert mechanism of Transactions.

Version: 1.0.6-0235


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.6-0235 is only compatible with Surveillance Station versions from 8.0.5 to 8.0.7.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the "action" option in the "Data Definition" tab may not be edited when adding or editing transaction devices.

  2. Fixed an issue where line breaks in Transactions texts may not work properly under certain configurations.

  3. Fixed an issue where transaction devices may not be added immediately after deleting a transaction device with the same name.

  4. Fixed an issue where firmware version settings may not be properly switched in the Edit Camera page if the camera supports firmware version configuration.

  5. Fixed an issue where API ID information may not be properly configured in SMS notifications.

Version: 1.1.0-0324


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.1.0-0324 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.1.0 and above.

What's New

  1. Added support for the GPU decoding function on the Windows version to enhance video playing performance. (Currently only H.264 streams in Live View and Preview supports GPU acceleration, advanced video processing such as fisheye dewarping and live view analytics is not yet supported. The stream types that do not support GPU acceleration will still use CPU decoding.)

  2. Added support for auto logout after an idle period to improve security.

  3. Added support for desktop shortcut for more user convenience.

  4. Added support for hotkeys for more user convenience ( for using the Arrow keys to switch channels and the Enter key to zoom in on a single channel).

  5. Enhanced system responsiveness and the immediacy of automatic page updates.

  6. Enhanced Live View stability when streaming high resolution or high frame rate(FPS) videos.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the ACAP option may not be properly displayed in the camera’s recording schedule settings page.

  2. Fixed an issue where the firmware version may not be properly switched in the Edit Camera page.

  3. Fixed an issue where the recording list may not be displayed when launching the instant playback function from Live View.

  4. Fixed an issue where certain characters may not be used when configuring the authentication password for proxy server.

Version: 1.0.5-0232


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.5-0232 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.0.5 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where accessing transaction devices on the recording server may not work properly when under the CMS architecture.
  2. Fixed an issue where the user interface may not display properly when configuring certain settings under the CMS architecture.

Version: 1.0.4-0231


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.4-0231 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.0.5 and above.

What's New

  1. Added support for the Transactions application for simultaneously monitoring transaction details and videos.
  2. Added support for Bond network interface.
  3. Enhance the Internet disconnection detection mechanism to reduce the possibility of live view intermittently disconnecting and reconnecting when the network is unstable.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where SSL certificate verification may fail when logging into a server with legal SSL certification. 2.Fixed an issue where Smart Search may not properly search for the next recording file.
  2. Fixed an issue where error may occur after setting up cameras when batch adding TV Standard cameras under the complete setup mode.
  3. Fixed and issue where editing the motion detection area of the camera on the recording server in the CMS architecture may not work properly.
  4. Fixed and issue where error may occur when opening the online version of Help articles on the Mac version.
  5. Fixed and issue where the memory may be over consumed when writing logs frequently. 7.Fixed an issue where for some user privileges, the desktop client does not correspond to the browser version of Surveillance Station.

Version: 1.0.3-0214


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.3-0214 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.0.2 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where the certificate for the Mac version has been expired.

  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0.2-0213


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.2-0213 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.0.2 and above.

What's New

  1. Added new "High performance" and "High quality" video scaling options in Video Settings.
  2. Added support for 9x9 and 10x10 multi-channel layouts.
  3. Added support for applying the current playback speed to the next playback file.
  4. Added support for proxy server to enhance network connectivity.
  5. Added support for DPI zoom level on the Mac version to adjust to the proper display size.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to log in after the Account Protection function in DSM 6.1 is enabled.

Version: 1.0.1-0189


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.1-0189 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.0.0 and above.
  2. Supported operation systems:
    • Windows 7 and onward
    • Mac OS 10.11 and onward

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where Live View/Timeline/Recording short cut does not work on the Mac version. .
  2. Fixed an issue where Live View may not be opened when the default layout includes camera groups.
  3. Fixed an issue where error may occur when exporting camera settings to USB share folders..
  4. Fixed an issue where the time marker does not correspond to the scale on the timeline slider for certain time zones.
  5. Fixed an issue where smart stream settings may not be properly applied in the alert preview on Live View when an alert is triggered. 

Version: 1.0.0-0180


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Surveillance Station Client 1.0.0-0180 is only compatible with Surveillance Station 8.0.0 and above.
  2. Supported operation systems:
    • Windows 7 and onward
    • Mac OS 10.11.3 and onward

What's New

  1. Whole new desktop utility for Surveillance Station.